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Category Archives: Family

Baby Becky at 8 Months

As 2011 comes to a close, I have been reflecting on the various shoots that I have done this year. I have always considered myself a people photographer and capturing the interaction and relationships between people continues to be the main thing that attracts me to photography. Whether it is wedding photography, family photography or...

Fuji X10 Initial Impressions

The Fuji X10 was recently released here in Singapore and I managed to get my hands on a set. It has been a long time since I bought a compact digital camera and I have been looking out for a general purpose carry everywhere camera for quite a while now. There are a number of...

Rambo Part II

Two-months ago, I featured some photos of my grandmother’s new miniature Schnauzer (then puppy) named Rambo on this blog. Since then, he has been groomed and has grown quite a bit. The grooming has interestingly enough highlighted his rather unusual beard coloring. Initially, my grandmother kept on insisting that the groomers had ‘colored’ little Rambo’s...