Documentary PhotographyPERFECT LIGHTCompelling Authentic Timeless

Tag Archives: Documentary

Jacqueline’s 1st Birthday Party

Last month, Jacqueline celebrated her 1st birthday together with family and friends. I documented her baptism last year and had previously photographed her elder brother, Jordan’s 1st and 2nd birthday parties. Their parents, James and Patricia, have been extremely hospitable to my family, having invited my daughter Beth over to their place to swim and play with Jordan a...

NGO photo documentary section has been added

I have added a non-governmental organisations (NGOs) documentary photography section that features photographs from various projects that I have had the privilege of being involved with in the past.  Besides street photography, the genre of documentary photography was the main catalyst that started me on my photographic life over 10 years ago. I still hold many of these NGO documentary projects close...

Baby Aaron’s 1st Birthday Party

Aaron celebrated his 1st birthday at the extremely child-friendly Eat Play Love Cafe with family and friends in August last year. Eat Play Love Craft Cafe did a wonderful job with the decorations and had a racing car party theme for Aaron. The children who attended the party had the extremely talented Alicia from Happier as their...