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Tag Archives: General

Blessed Christmas 2009!!

Both Laura and I prefer spending this holiday season quietly with each other, close family and friends as opposed to being sucked into the craziness and commercialization of much of what Christmas has become.  For us, it is a time for reflecting, looking back on the year, looking forward to the next year, and to ponder the significance...

Bei Bei

This is the follow-up to my previous post 2nd Prize in the Epson/Steve McCurry Photo Competition. My normal style of photography is as a passive observer of whatever is unfolding before my eyes. I try as far as possible not to “direct” the subjects I’m photographing. I concentrate mainly on composition (mostly by moving around...

Welcome to my new blog

Hi Everyone,  I decided to create a blog to share some of my photographs and the stories behind them. I’ll also be using this blog to share shoots with friends, family and clients. Hope you enjoy it and do leave your comments behind.  Derrick